Petrieve - free online service for lost & found dogs, cats and other pets
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Lost & found pets service
If you've lost your cat or dog or another pet - you can browse found pets right on your city map. Or if you've found a dog or a cat - take a look at our lost pets section. Just enter an address of the desired place on the map and then zoom/pan to look for Petrieve markers. Every marker is a pet profile, which you may click to obtain more info.
Free lost & found pets classifieds
If none of the lost & found pets ads gave you any useful info - post your own lost & found pet classified on Petrieve! Just center the map on a place where you've lost or found a dog or a cat, click the "Post Ad" button in the bottom right corner of a page, fill in the profile and press "Done". Check your email for instructions. From now on our robo-hounds are on the trail. Post missing dog or cat classified ad or post found dog or cat classified ad.
Auto-search, flyers, reposts
As soon as we find some pets which match your pet's traits - we'll send you a comprehensive list of their profiles. We will be checking and sending this, absolutely free, until we find your pet or until you ask us to stop. Moreover, you can print your lost dog or cat flyers and post them in the vicinity, while we will be doing some reposts of your ad on our social media pages ( ). This way more people will know about your per, increasing the chances for successful retrieval.
Recent missing pets
Recent found pets
Recent reunited pets
Fast registration, free usage, any device.
We'll create your account automatically on pet's registration. To post your lost or found pet classified ad - just center the map on a place you need, press the "Post Ad" button in the bottom right corner of the screen to fill in the pet's profile, confirm your email - and you're done. From now on all main features of Petrieve are available for you at no cost and without any time limits. Use Petrieve on any device with a web-browser installed.

Pets on the map are bound to the places they were lost or found.
We store not only pet's traits but also its last known geographical position. Pets rarely travel more than few dozen kilometers from the place they were lost. This makes geo-position one of the most important things to know and match for successfull search. So, just find the place where you've lost or found a pet and look for Petrieve markers around. Your pet might be one of these markers.

If you can't find a pet - our robo-hounds will do it for you.
After you've created a pet's profile our best robo-hounds will always track it and match against all existing and new profiles, so you don't need to constantly check the map. Furthermore, we let pets' owners to set the search radius for their pets (that green area on the map). This will minimize false matches and speed-up our robo-hounds as they will look for a pet only inside the area specified by the search radius.

Notifications about any newly registered matching pets on a daily basis.
Every day, after robo-hounds complete their search, we'll form and send you a list of pets' profiles, sorted by relevance, which may match your criteria. If we have no matches - you'll not hear from us, until we have any news.

Social networks sharing and printing.
You can share pet's profile on popular social networks or print it on a flyer. Either way you'll spread the information about your pet. The more people will know - the more chances for successful retrieval you will have.