How to find a missing pet using Petrieve
Step 1: locate the spot on our map where you've lost your pet
You may locale the place where you've lost your pet by allowing Petrieve to detect your current location and then drag the map to the exact place, holding the left mouse button. Or you may type the name of the place in a text field (the one, which says "Where did you see your pet last time?") and then center the map on the exact spot by dragging and scrolling.
Step 2: browse found pets profiles
Observe the vicinity of the place you've lost your pet and try to find Petrieve markers nearby - . You may want to change map scale by scrolling a mouse wheel or by pressing +/- buttons on the map.
If you see a marker with description looking similar to your pet's traits (for example, "Black dog found") - press it and examine its details, then send a message to its author, if needed.
If there are no suitable pets found nearby - proceed to step 3.
Step 3: create a missing pet's classified ad
Center the map on the place where you've lost your pet and press the "Post Ad" button in the bottom right corner. Fill as many fields of an advert form as possible. The more details you provide - the bigger are chances for successful retrieval. Do not forget to upload pet's photo and describe the circumstances of its missing. It is CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT to type your actual and working email as it is used to activate your ad later on. Without this nobody will see your advertisement! Moreover, we'll use this email to send you messages from people, who may have some information about your pet, and to send our mailing about recently found pets, which are similar to yours.
After you create an advert, you must check your email and activate your ad by clicking the link we provide you in the registration email, otherwise your ad will be removed in 24 hours!
Step 4: edit your ad
After you activate your classified ad, you'll be able to edit it during a 1 day period. To do this you need to enter your account (' Log in' in the top right corner) by entering your email and password (temporary one, look for it in an email we've sent you) and then clicking the link your-email.
In your account settings you may change your password, edit and delete your ads and mark your pets as retrieved to not confuse other people and to avoid unnecessary messages in your inbox.

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- Россия
- Чита (672000)
Found dogs - Чита, Россия (672000)
Lost a dog in Чита, Россия? Pets enlisted here are found dogs in Чита, Россия, which have been registered on
Medium young black male dog, found near ул. Ленина, 52а, Чита, Забайкальский край, Россия, 672039 on Jul 13, 2024.
Найден около Ленина 52, лабрадор ретривер, окрас чёрный, кобель. Ждёт старого или нового хозяина!
Small young black female dog -, found near ул. Журавлева, 87, Чита, Забайкальский край, Россия, 672012 on May 21, 2018.
В районе магазина "Океан" найдена небольшая собачка, с ошейником (на ошейнике стеклянные бусинки). Собака домашняя, очень тянется к людям. Хозяева, или те, кто их знает - отзовитесь! Тел.<...>Юлия Чита Забайкальский край