Lost raccoons - Other countries

Found raccoon in a country, which is not in Petrieve database? Do not worry! This page contains lost raccoons from other countries, which are yet not supported on petrieve.org

Medium adult mixed color male raccoon Ростик, lost near 16 Channing Pl, Cambridge, MA 02138, США on Jul 12, 2023.

Пропал енот,с характером,может укусить,умный,мордочка красивая,зубки белые.Можно приманить сыром.Может находиться рядом с машинами.Прошу пожалуйста вернуть за вознаграждение

Big adult mixed color female raccoon Coons, lost near 2425 Butler Dr, Norman, OK 73069, USA on Nov 06, 2020.

Coons is from idaho. She was roughly 50 pounds when she went missing. Her color in more brindle then oklahoma racoons, she is domesticated and also microchipped.

Big young mixed color male raccoon Rocket, lost near 118 Tamim Cove, Byhalia, MS 38611, USA on Jan 14, 2020.

Our rocket is not incredibly people friendly as he has not been around many humans other than myself and my daughter. He loves to play with her and at times I have to step in and make sure he isn't too rough. It would appear as if he was attacking her but it's just play so if anyone has a raccoon run up on their child please trap him (in a kennel, in a room with closed doors as he's managed to escape most kennels and will be gone within minutes if left unattended) and contact me. He has had all his vaccinations.

Medium young mixed color female raccoon Doug, lost near 1617 E Bremer Ave, Waverly, IA 50677, USA on Sep 26, 2019.

She’s very healthy looking, she is timid, don’t approach she may bite she doesn’t like strangers

Medium young gray female raccoon Baby girl, lost near 1245 N 11th St, Fort Dodge, IA 50501, USA on Sep 07, 2019.

She has been raised by humans I've had her since before her eyes opened. She will be out during the day. She may approach you for food. Call me Natalie Neavin<...>

Medium young gray male raccoon Марсик, lost near 24 ул. Субхи, Ялта 98600 on Feb 14, 2019.

Пропал енот по кличке Марсик в районе Васильевки. Пропал 14.02.2019 утром. По последним данным Марсика видели 15.02.2019 в 02:00 в Массандровском парке возле церкви, также есть информация о том, что Марсик залез к людям в дом, но его выгнали. Скорее всего на данный момент находится в Массандровском парке. Кто владеет информацией сообщите, пожалуйста!!! Марсик в любом случае выйдет к людям, возможно он уже появиться в чем-то погребе или чердаке. Игорь <...> #марсик #помогитенайти #енот #ялта #пропаленот