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 Найденные кошки - Dinnington, The United Kingdom (NE13)

Пропала кошка в Dinnington, The United Kingdom? На этой странице представлены найденные кошки в городе Dinnington, The United Kingdom, зарегистрированные на petrieve.org

Средний оранжевый взрослый кот PJ, найден 03.01.2021 рядом с Undergate Road/Constable Lane, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2RD, UK.

This male cat used to wear a collar but it is gone and for the last two months he has been doing his best to live with me and my cats. He was losing weight but otherwise is well groomed and I am not certain he is abandoned or lost. I put flyers up but have had no responses. I am hoping to catch him to take him to be scanned for a microchip. If he is yours please contact me to let me know he has an owner and is just looking for extra meals. I am worried about him as he is not neutered either and that is not healthy for male cats. I would guess his age as around two. I hope to hear from you. Thank you. Sherry