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Маленькая белая взрослая птица Marshmallow, пропала 02.02.2021 рядом с 1809 Lakebend Dr, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA.

Our parakeet Marshmallow (right) flew away this morning. He is very friendly and will jump onto your finger. If you see him, please let us know and try to catch him with a net or towel. We hope he'll come home safely, his little partner is missing him! Thank you!

Маленькая серая молодая птица Chickadee, пропала 03.11.2020 рядом с 4419 Anselm St, Houston, TX 77045, USA.

Dull green,yellowish face, gray body tipped with white, stipes on butt/tailfeathers. Very friendly, will land on shoulders at random. Very vocal. Can say Hey Chickadee, Whatcha Doing, and Pretty Bird. Can whistle Kill Bill theme and Andy Griffifth. Attracted to music, bells, chimes, and morning bottles. Lost around 3pm on 11/3/2020 new Brentwood subdivision off of Hiram Clarke. Has separation anxiety, please call if seen!<...>reward for return.

Маленькая зеленая птица Piper, пропала 02.08.2020 рядом с 815 Aransas Dr, Euless, TX 76039, USA.

My pair of Peach faced Lovebirds escaped. One last seen behind Walgreens near Bedford. REWARD FOR THEIR RECAPTURE!!!

Маленькая жёлтая молодая птица Боца, пропала 04.08.2020 рядом с 2 St Johns Rd, Cambridge, MA 02138, США.

улетела желтая корелла с хохолком,красные щечки. Завидово, деревня козлово. Очень ждем что найдется.

Большая серая молодая птица Байрон(Курушка), пропала 28.07.2020 рядом с 19 Follen St, Cambridge, MA 02138, США.

Улетел говорящий попугай жакосерый с красным хвостом).Возраст 5 лет.В руки к чужим не пойдет(мужчин боится,женщин не боится).Пожалуйста,если увидите,позвоните по номеру<...>Наталия,сразу прибежим.СПБ.Гражданский пр.108/1

Маленькая жёлтая молодая птица Lemon, пропала 08.07.2020 рядом с 1044 86th St, Downers Grove, IL 60516, USA.

Lemon is a cockatiel. Lemon was lost in the after noon/ dusk at around 7 or 8. We really miss him and if you spot him or have him, please contact me. Thank you!

Средняя серая взрослая птица Жан, пропала 06.07.2020 рядом с Weld Boat House, 971 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02138, США.

Бурохвостый жако , мельче размером, чем красно-хвостый, хвостик темно-бордовый, говорит, когда рядом нет человека, даётся в руки только своей хозяйке.

Средняя серая взрослая птица Mercy, пропала 07.06.2020 рядом с 110 Otter Dr, Cary, NC 27513, USA.

She is grey with a yellow crest, red cheeks and white belly. She's escaped once before and returned after 2 days because she approached someone who had food, and that was about 3 miles away. If found please contact<...>

Средняя серая молодая птица Cuca, пропала 07.05.2020 рядом с 881 E 14th Pl, Hialeah, FL 33010, USA.

My African Gray was lost on May 7, 2020, I live on Lejune Rd in Hialeah, please if you live nearby or listen to someone who found an African gray let me know they have a ring with the number SB-92 if you find my Cuca I will be giving a $ 1000 reward. My African Gray was lost on 7/5/20, I live on Lejune Rd in Hialeah, he has a ring with the number SB-92 if you find my Cuca I will be giving a $ 1000 reward.

Маленькая многоцветная взрослая птица Pepper, пропала 25.04.2020 рядом с 13531 Partridge St, Garden Grove, CA 92843, USA.

Pepper is a 6 year old cockatiel. We lost him April 25th, at 10 am. He has a dusty yellow head, dusty orange/red cheeks, and grey and white splotched wings. There will be a reward if found. I just want to have him back home and safe in my arms. Thank you

Маленькая белая молодая птица Angel, пропала 18.07.2018 рядом с 1735 Calle Rocas, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA.

Our Angel is still missing. He startled from my sons shoulder when our dog pushed open the back door in mid July. He is a hand raised and super sweet, tame English Budgie. This parakeet, is larger than other budgies and Angel is particularly calm and has a very laid back demeaner. Angel is mostley white with a barely noticable half ring of light blue on the front of his neck below his beak and a small patch of the same light blue color on his upper left breast, right around where his wing starts. We are hoping someone has found him and just hasn't come across any of our posts yet. He is less then a year old and my son is devistated. Please, if anyone has seen or has information about Angel, call or text me anytime at 805.509.3263. Or leave a message with a return contact number at 805.484.2002. Ask for Michele. Thank you all for your help.